Credits+CAPITOL HILL:special mac files for windows:
Macromedia Director
Produced by Amazing Media, Inc.55 San Anselmo Ave.San Anselmo, California 94960Published by The Software Toolworks© 1993 Amazing Media, Inc.CREATIVE DIRECTORSKeith MetzgerTeri SturlaART DIRECTIONJeri J. JohnstonPRODUCT MANAGERTeri SturlaPRODUCTION MANAGERAmy SheltonCONTENT COORDINATORKristin KasperARTISTSJeri J. Johnston, Senior ArtistAlexander Bohn"J.P." Bryan HarrounArno HarrisJohn HartongRick HockerGwyneth HorobinArt JagonasiMichael F. LawrencePROGRAMMERSLaurence Tietz, Senior Programmer Macintosh versionClayton Tucker, Senior Programmer Dos versionGeoffrey EamesRick HockerJohn ParkerEDITORIALEileen Mullinaux, Senior Writer & EditorEric Platt, Writer/EditorEric Jensen, Assistant WriterSPIRITUAL ADVISORLoring CasartelliVIDEO, SOUND DIGITIZING & EDITINGAlexander BohnNick BownessBill DierssenGeoffrey EamesAndre SalcidoRobin TenenbaumMUSICComposed and performed byKeith Metzger©1993 Keith MetzgerRecorded at Outback, San Rafael, CAVOICE TALENTBill KraussStephen OÕHaraMaria PardahlVIDEOGordon HooverC-SPAN, Matthew MoorePHOTOGRAPHYPaul PoteraKristin KasperKeith MetzgerJohn Hamelton, Senate PhotographerKieth Jewell, House PhotographerViewfindersSacramento Bee, George SchluckbierLibrary of Congress Prints & Photographs SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR INTERVIEWEES:Richard BakerHistorianU.S. SenateTed KaufmanChief of StaffDelaware Senator Joseph BidenMike MichaelsonExecutive Vice President,C-SPANRaymond SmockHistorianU.S. House of RepresentativesRepresentative Lynn Woolsey and staff6th District, CASPECIAL THANKS TO:Terry GonzalezAmerian AirlinesGeorge M. White,Architect of The CapitolBarbara Wolian, Curator Dana StrictlandLynn DixArchitect of the Capitol OfficeCapitol Guide ServiceOffice & staffMike GillettNational ArchivesBob Miley, SuperintendentHouse of AdministrationMary Glassman,Roll Call MagazineRenee ChernusLarry RaskyRasky & Company....and our friends at The Software Toolworks;Ed BernsteinLisa DobiasBrian BlumPUBLIC DOCUMENTSArt in the United States CapitolThe Architect of the CapitolThe Senate Volumes I & IIBy Senator Robert ByrdHisorical Almanac of the United States SenateBy Senator Bob DoleThe CapitolNinth Edition, 100th CongressThe United States Capitol:A Brief Architectural HistoryBy William C. AllenThe Dome of the United States Capitol:An Architectural HistoryBy William C. AllenThis multi-media program is a work of fiction. Except as otherwise noted, names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of Amazing MediaÕs employeeÕs imagination or are used fictitiously. Except as otherwise noted or identified in this program, resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Script Channel Commands
go "PDA"sound fadeout 1,60cursor 4set the forecolor of sprite 3 to 161set the linesize of sprite 3 to 1updatestagego "return" of movie "Capitol Hill:support:PDA"cursor -1quitpuppetsound 0go the frame -1puppetsound "intro music"set the forecolor of sprite 2 to 161set the linesize of sprite 2 to 1updatestagego "quit"